Asia Mathematika

An International Journal. ISSN: 2457-0834 (online)

Volume 2, Issue 2, August 2018, Pages: 67-72

Coefficient inequalities for certain classes of analytic functions using generalized q -Ruscheweyh derivative

P.Nandini11 and S. Latha2

1Department of Mathematics, JSS College , BN Road, Mysore - 570 025, india.
2Department of Mathematics, Yuvaraja’s College, University of Mysore, Mysore - 570 005,india.


We introduce and study the classes Vq, l(b , b, m) and VDq, l(a, b ,b, m) of analytic functions which are defined by using generalized q-Ruscheweyh derivative operator.Coefficient inequalities for these classes are discussed.


Starlike, Coefficient inequalities and Generalized q-Ruscheweyh derivative



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